Hắc Sắc Nguyệt Quang

Darkside of The Moon

Yue Moon-yuet, outwardly successful, hides a painful past she can’t forget. Eighteen years ago, she was molested by wealthy heir Cheung Kei-tsun, while her sister Hei-sun was left traumatized and handicapped. Their parents died in the aftermath, and their older sister Man-sing distanced herself. Now an accomplished crisis manager, Moon-yuet is determined to bring Cheung and his associates to justice. With the help of Cheung’s daughter Wai-wan and ally Shing Fung, Moon-yuet uncovers the truth. As she faces retaliation from the powerful instigators, she must expose their dark secrets and ensure they face the consequences of their actions.

45 phút/tập 2024 68 lượt xem

Banner Phim Hắc Sắc Nguyệt Quang (Darkside of The Moon)
Thông tin phim
  • Trạng thái: Hoàn Tất(25/25)
  • Chất lượng: HD
  • Thời lượng: 45 phút/tập
  • Năm SX: 2024
Tập mới: 25 24 23 22
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