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Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces

Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces

Twelve-year-old Noura dangles uncertainly in that difficult netherworld between childhood and adulthood. His growing libido has gotten him banned from the women's baths, where his mother took him when he was younger, but he's not yet old enough to participate in grown-up discussions with the men of his Tunisian village. Noura's only real friend is a troublemaker named Salih -- the village political outcast.

1h 39m 1990 33 lượt xem

Banner Phim Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces (Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces)
Thông tin phim
  • Trạng thái: Full
  • Chất lượng: HD
  • Thời lượng: 1h 39m
  • Năm SX: 1990
Tập mới: 1990
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