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The Rescue

The Rescue

The Rescue chronicles the enthralling, against-all-odds story that transfixed the world in 2018: the daring rescue of twelve boys and their coach from deep inside a flooded cave in Northern Thailand. Using a wealth of never-before-seen material and exclusive interviews, E. Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they bring alive one of the most perilous and extraordinary rescues in modern times, shining a light on the high-risk world of cave diving, the astounding courage and compassion of the rescuers, and the shared humanity of the international community that united to save the boys.

2021 96 lượt xem

Banner Phim The Rescue (The Rescue)
Thông tin phim
  • Trạng thái: Full
  • Chất lượng: HD
  • Năm SX: 2021
Tập mới: Full

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