Tiểu Tử Thần Kỳ

Broken Trust

Businessman Chin Tai-hoi calls the shots in the office and at home. Tai-hoi is certain his son Chin Kai-loy is incompetent, so he forces him to make progress by continually putting pressure on him. Although Tai-hoi’s lover Hung Mui-kwai has been hinting all kinds of ideas to him, but Tai-hoi still has not promised to honor her. Tai-hoi’s daughter Chin Yau-fong goes into business while keeping her father in the dark. Tai-hoi slyly undermines her efforts as he feels betrayed. Tai-hoi is kidnapped. And staff member Chiu Yat-ming comes to his rescue. Tai-hoi becomes suspicious of people around him, so he moves into Yat-ming’s home. And he wants Yat-ming to covertly investigate. However, Yat-ming’s father Chiu Chi-yung is astonishingly Yau-fong’s ex-boyfriend, whom Tai-hoi disliked. Tai-hoi always loves money more than anything else. But his way of thinking somehow changes as he gets along with Yat-ming.

43 phút/tập 2024 179 lượt xem

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Thông tin phim
  • Trạng thái: Hoàn Tất(20/20)
  • Chất lượng: HD
  • Thời lượng: 43 phút/tập
  • Năm SX: 2024
Tập mới: 20 19 18 17
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