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Trở Lại Thiếu Lâm Tam Thập Lục Phòng

Trở Lại Thiếu Lâm Tam Thập Lục Phòng

The workers of a dye factory have their pay cut by 20% when the factory owner brings in some Manchu thugs to try and increase production. Desperate to reclaim their full wages, the workers hire an actor to impersonate a priest and kung-fu expert from the temple of Shaolin. The factory owner proves the actor a fraud, and punishes all those involved. The young actor feels he has let the workers down, and promises to atone. He sets out for Shaolin, determined to be accepted as a kung-fu pupil at the elite temple.

1h 39m 1980 12 lượt xem

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Thông tin phim
  • Trạng thái: Full
  • Chất lượng: HD
  • Thời lượng: 1h 39m
  • Năm SX: 1980
Tập mới: Full
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